Special Educational Needs

We support learners with Special Educational needs both within the school and the tuition centre. We also cater for learners with Special Educational Needs in their homes. The School has a specialist consultant who can provide advice and guidance to both the School and Key Stakeholders. We have a Portfolio of Teachers and Tutors Specialised to work with Learners who may have Special Educational Needs.

We have been able to accommodate learners with Special Educational Needs from a vast array of backgrounds.

Students must not be regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because the language or form of language of their home is different from the language in which they are taught. Students will have needs and requirements which may fall into at least one or the following four areas of need;

  • Speech, Language and Communication
  •  Cognition and learning
  •  Behaviour, emotional and social development
  •  Sensory and/or physical

We are able to support students with Special Educational Needs and tailor their learning experience to suit their abilities.